Chiropractic and Pregnancy: the 3 stages

The thing I love most about chiropractic care is that ANYONE, no matter what age or stage of life, can benefit. Our specialty at Maximized Chiropractic here in Bismarck is pregnancy and pediatrics. If you’re planning on getting pregnant or already pregnant, you have probably Googled for hours. You have seen stories or recommendations from other moms about how much chiropractic care during pregnancy helped make their pregnancy and delivery as comfortable as possible. So, let’s answer some of your questions about how chiropractic care during pregnancy can help!  

How can chiropractic help me before I get pregnant?

It’s an exciting time. If you’re lucky, you feel “ready” to have a baby. For others, pregnancy came as a surprise. That’s all great! There are some easy things we can help with during this stage.

Your body is beautifully designed to grow and birth a child. Our job is to help enhance that natural ability and make sure it is working exactly the way it was intended to. The foundation of your pregnancy and your entire body is your nervous system. Your brain controls everything. Every organ in your body is “told” what to do through your brain, spinal cord, and all of the connecting nerves. Your nervous system works similarly to a garden hose. If you step on any part of it, the rest receives less water and does not flow as well as it should. This same thing can happen in your body which will affect your pregnancy.

It is important to make sure that the nerves supplying your reproductive organs are working at 100% to create the perfect environment for conception. Regular chiropractic care removes subluxations of the spine and allows your nerves to send their messages without interference. It will let your body do the work it is meant to do!

Helping prepare your body for the beauty of pregnancy can be a big step towards having the birth of your dreams!

Can chiropractic help during pregnancy?

It’s an even more exciting time. Whether it took more or less time than you thought it would, it’s finally happened. You’re going to be a mom! That excitement quickly turns to questions like “Can I do this? Will I be a good mom? How can I be more prepared?” and a million other questions. It’s a great time to make sure you have a team of people there to support you through this process. Your spouse, family members, OB/GYN or midwife, birth doula, and prenatal chiropractor are some great ones. This team is there to remind you that you are doing a great job and are prepared for the journey of motherhood. 

Having a good prenatal chiropractor on your side is a decision that many moms make. Pregnancy places all kinds of new stresses on you. This stress will affect your health and the health of your baby. Our job is to find out how much stress this is causing on your body and remove it.  

We are certified in the Webster Technique. It’s the “gold standard” of chiropractic care during pregnancy. It is an extremely gentle technique that ensures your birth environment is as balanced and relaxed as possible. Your uterus is like a sleeping bag for your baby. This sleeping bag needs to be nice and cozy. If it is too tight and uncomfortable, it will affect your baby’s ability to turn head down. The Webster Technique will allow your hips and pelvis to be balanced, which takes as much pressure off your uterus as possible. It will give your baby the best chance of having a great position before delivery. It also helps ensure your birth canal is as open as possible, making it easier for the baby to come out.

Consistent chiropractic care during pregnancy will also ensure that your nervous system works free from interference. It means that your uterus will contract more efficiently, and the natural contractions your uterus has will help push the baby down easier.  

For all these reasons, moms who choose to see a prenatal chiropractor like us regularly through pregnancy experience shorter labor times, decreased pain during pregnancy and labor, decreased need for interventions, lower c-section rates, and an overall better birth experience. Even better, when your pregnancy and birth go so much easier, your child has a healthier start to life!

Can chiropractic help postpartum?

Many women think that they are finished with care once the baby is here. If that thought has crossed your mind, please continue reading (and if it hasn’t, continue reading anyway!). Your body goes through so many changes after having a baby. Unfortunately, you don’t “bounce” right back to your old self once the baby is here…even though I, too, wish it were that easy! Your weight has significantly changed, your center of gravity has shifted, your posture has changed, ligaments are loose, and a wave of hormonal changes is about to hit like a freight train. And while all of this is happening, you now have a newborn to care for who requires your attention 24/7. Your new daily tasks involve holding a baby, feeding in a hunched position, and learning to make it through the day on minimal sleep. The good news in all of this overwhelming mess, we will be by your side to help. Postpartum chiropractic care helps to restore the proper position of your pelvis, relieves upper back tension from holding/feeding your baby, and helps your body manage stress better. We care about our Maximized Families and want to help make the transition to motherhood (or multiple-child motherhood) as smooth as possible. Whether it is your first or 8th time, we want to help you return to your “old self.” Our team is here to support you and help answer any of your “new mom” questions. Anything from a postpartum support system, breastfeeding, lactation questions, or how to handle the stresses (and joys!) of bringing home a new baby. We’ve got you covered, and we’re happy to see your new bundle of joy too!

The value of regular chiropractic care throughout the entire pregnancy process is genuinely priceless. You may be surprised at how well your body can handle the changes and truly heal itself just like it was meant to, as long as it is provided with the proper tools. No matter which stage from above you belong, we’re here to help by answering questions and helping prepare or restore your body during one of the most incredible times in your family’s life.

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