Join Dr. Alex as he dives deep into the world of ear infections in kids, exploring the causes, conventional treatments, and the chiropractic approach to finding relief and preventing recurrence.
Learn about the causes of dystocia (slow or difficult labor) and how chiropractic care can help support a smoother, more comfortable birth experience. Dr. Alex discusses the Webster Technique and other natural approaches to optimize fetal positioning and maternal health.
Is your baby in a breech position? Discover how chiropractic care can help encourage your baby to turn naturally. Dr. Alex explains the Webster Technique and other gentle approaches to support optimal fetal positioning.
Discover the hidden impacts of C-sections on your baby's nervous system and learn how gentle chiropractic adjustments can help them heal and thrive. Dr. Alex explains the importance of addressing birth trauma and restoring optimal function for lifelong health and well-being.
Is your baby refusing the pacifier? Discover the surprising reasons why your baby might be struggling and learn how chiropractic care can help. Dr. Alex explores the connection between oral dysfunction, nervous system health, and breastfeeding success.