Need parenting help? I’m your girl.
Whitney Coleman
Alex and I started Maximized Chiropractic in 2013, about a year before we got married.
I always knew I wanted to be a mom. I started my mothering career very young (my brother is eight years younger). If I wasn’t mothering my siblings, I somehow offered help or guidance to someone else. It only makes sense that I also became a nurse!
I loved being a labor & delivery and postpartum nurse. Pregnancy, labor & delivery, babies, and breastfeeding were always fascinating. Still, after going through it all myself, I discovered a much deeper passion for it all. I was an expert baby calmer in the hospital! I taught parents the Happiest Baby calming technique and instructed Prepared Childbirth and Breastfeeding classes.
Alex and I were excited to be expert parents once our first little guy, Ranger, was here! It’s funny how easy hypothetical parenting is! Like many first-time parents, we struggled through that first year with our new baby. It was then that I found my true passion: offering guidance and support through pregnancy, breastfeeding, and raising children.
I use my knowledge as a nurse and certified lactation consultant and my experience as a mom to offer as much support as possible to every family we see! I don’t want anyone to struggle through those precious days with a newborn baby. It is the most incredible and trying experience of a lifetime. I overcame it all by making mistakes, so you don’t have to! I will be your person for any questions relating to pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum recovery, calming your baby, better sleep, starting solids, and more!
Alex and I have four (mostly sweet) babies. Ranger is sweet and sensitive, with an extreme love for dinosaurs and hide and seek. Zelda is tough as nails. She will handle any business while wearing an Elsa dress and heels. Wilder came into this world wildly fast over the top of a toilet. She’s generous with her smiles and loves to learn from her older brother and sister. Story is our new baby who was born at home. Her birth taught me how capable a woman can be with the right tools, enough support, and the perfect environment. They make us love life even more, and although they are well-adjusted and probably some of the healthiest kids out there, they’re still a handful! Trust me when I say we’re in the trenches with you…and we got your back!
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