Maximized Chiropractic

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It’s not the seed, it’s the soil. Why I’m not afraid of germs. 

How do we get sick?

Usually, we think it’s either germs, genetics, or just bad luck. But how we get sick boils down to what we are exposed to AND how resistant we are. In order to get sick, yes, we need to be exposed to a bacteria or virus. But that’s not enough. Do you know how many bacteria and viruses I am exposed to in my practice? Tons. If getting sick was just a matter of how often you were exposed to these things, you would probably never see me. I have been in practice for over a decade, and do you know how many days of work I have missed? Zero. Our bodies must also be susceptible to whatever bug we are exposed to get sick.  

Pretend for a moment that you have a handful of seeds in your hands. Each one of these seeds has the same potential to grow. If you throw these seeds in your backyard, the odds are that some of them will find the right combination of light, nutrients, and water to grow. But some will land on a rock, some will get blown away, and some will never get a chance to grow. It is because the environment was not allowing them to grow.  If you threw those same seeds into a metal container, they would spend the rest of time doing absolutely nothing, unable to grow in the dark and dry environment.

This is the part that is missed in terms of public health. It is not enough to just be exposed to a virus or bacteria. Your body must also be a favorable environment for the bug to grow. This means, if your body is making it easy to invade, you are more likely to get sick.  

Our job as individuals and parents is to help ourselves and our children become the last place a bug wants to invade. Instead of worrying about how many bugs your kids are exposed to, help make their immune system a superpower that kills everything they find. Obviously, things like washing your hands and proper hygiene are important, don’t stop doing those. However, making healthy choices like eating well, regular movement, a positive attitude, appropriate supplementation, and regular chiropractic care will help ensure you and your child’s immune systems are ready for the fight. In the meantime, our kids will be eating bubble gum they found on the street and licking applesauce off the floor in Target. 

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